Trade News & Scholarly Articles
Comprehensive Article Databases
These databases include articles from press releases, trade publications, and scholarly journals. Use filters to identify the best quality sources.
Name | ProQuest Business Databases |
Tip | Use the Peer-reviewed and source type filters |
Name | EBSCOHost Business Source Ultimate |
Tip | Use the Peer-reviewed and publication type filters |
Trade Articles
Find the latest news and trends for professionals working in specific areas of business.
News Articles
Find current events or breaking news about a company, an executive, or a brand.
Click to close News Sources
- Pew Research Center: public attitudes and economic trends
- Nielsen Newswire (Markets and Finances): business trends
- International Market Analyses: international sales trends
- SBDCnet: Small Business Snapshots: Case studies on types of U.S. small businesses
Scholarly Articles
Find research projects and case studies published in academic journals.
Click to close Scholarly Titles
- American Journal of Business Research
- Business Ethics Quarterly
- Leadership & Organization Development Journal
- Journal of Applied Christian Leadership
- Journal of Business Case Studies
- Journal of Business Ethics
- Journal of Organizational Behavior
- Organizational Development Journal
- Social Responsibility Journal
Case Studies
Use the filters and features within the database below to locate case studies on specific companies or leaders.
Business Source Ultimate (EBSCOhost)
ABI/INFORM Collection (ProQuest)